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作者: | 时间:2018-11-16 | 点击:



近年来,随着粤港澳大湾区建设的深入发展,在珠海举办的国际会议日益增多。 回顾近几年的各大国际交流活动,其中都少不了外院师生的身影,他们穿梭在各大会场,为各国嘉宾提供语言翻译工作,特别是去年的金砖文学论坛、中拉美足球赛、WTA超级精英赛等大型活动,开云手机入口官网,开云(中国)师生热情参与、积极服务,搭起了中外交流的桥梁,助力了中外深层次的交流,为珠海当地经济发展和文化传播做出了贡献,受到社会的一致认同和普遍赞誉。

                                                   Students of SFL Participating the 4th Education Innovation Expo

The 4th China Education Innovation Expo, jointly organized by Beijing Normal University, China Economic Reform Research Foundation, Zhuhai Municipal Committee and Government, has been held in Zhuhai International Conference Center from November 12 to 15. 15 volunteers from SFL, including teachers and students have completed the accompany interpretation with satisfaction.

The Expo this year aims to co-build and share educational innovation, to converge the creative wisdom, and to provide service for the Strategy of Strengthening Country by Talents and Strategy of Development by Innovation. The exhibition presented comes from almost every province and centrally-administrated municipality, including Macau and Hongkong and more than half of the normal universities. Some countries along the “One Belt, One Road” and major International Bay Area also found their places in participation. The Expo also attracted more than 20 media such as influential CCTV, People Daily to come to report.  

More and more international conferences have been held in Zhuhai as the construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is undergoing recently. Students of SFL have also taken this golden opportunity and participated actively in the voluntary language work, such as BRIC Literature Forum, China-Latin Football, WTA Elite Trophy in year 2017. The voluntary work has bridged Chinese culture and the outside world, further developed the communication of parties concerned, introduced the economy and cultural communication of Zhuhai to the foreign friends and gained popularity for SFL as well.

下一篇:开云手机入口官网,开云(中国)学生党支部举行微党课说课大赛 上一篇:简讯:开云手机入口官网,开云(中国)党总支学生党支部举行第二次全体大会

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