2018年12月15日,为了贯彻落实“两学一做”的党中央精神,促进同学们更好地践行“为人民服务”的宗旨,开云手机入口官网,开云(中国)学生党支部携手励耘青年志愿者协会开云手机入口官网,开云(中国)分会共同在鸡山南沙滩举办了“沙滩环保行”主题实践活动。 通过开展此次活动,入党积极分子理解了环境保护的重要性和青年一代所承担的社会责任感。
Protecting Sands Activity by Student Party Branch
A field activity of protecting sands was co-organized by the Student Party Branch and Youth Volunteer Association of SFL on Dec.15, 2018 at South Jishan beach , aiming to enforce spirit of "Two Studies, One Action", fulfill the idea of "Serve the People" and improve ideologicial consicousness of activists. The students participating the activity would realize the initiative motivation to be a party member. All activists realized importance of environmental friendly and the social responsibility they should take as young generation.
记者:林悦彤 翻译:林敏仪